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5 Types of Air Conditioning Units You Need To Know Before Installing One

Dark-skinned service man in yellow tshirt installing the air-conditioner

zinkevych from Adobe Stock

Air conditioners are the most common item found in U.S households and are also the top item that uses a considerable amount of energy. For example, a central air conditioner takes up 1450 kWh a month. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, an air conditioner uses about 6% of total electricity in the United States.

Choosing an air conditioning system for your home requires meticulous decision-making. It will become an integral part of the home and take a significant chunk out of your budget for home appliances. 

Make a wise decision for your home and budget by reading this comprehensive guide about the types of air conditioning units you can install in your home. 

Central Air Conditioner

Do you have a large home and wish to cool multiple rooms at once? Then, a central air conditioner might be best suited for you. It uses a ducted system, a split system that regulates air through the ducts installed in your house. 

This type of air conditioning system uses two central units. The indoor unit has evaporator coils and an air handler. On the other hand, the outdoor unit packs the compressor and condenser. 

Like a typical air conditioning unit, it uses a refrigerant to remove heat from the indoor air. The inside heat is pulled outdoors, and cool air is pushed inside through the ducts. 

If you’re worried about this unit’s possible air conditioning repairs, you won’t have to fret because fixing it is straightforward, without any issues. You can expect that it’s done within just an average of 2-6 hours. Of course, it would depend on your home’s size. However, it’s typically done swiftly. 

Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner

Do you prefer an air conditioner that’s operated much more efficiently? Or do you want only to cool a portion of your home? If yes, then search for a ductless mini-split that’s just the right size for the rooms you want to cool it in. It’s an excellent option for contemporary homes. 

A ductless mini-split combines an outdoor unit and one or more indoor units. The outdoor part comprises a condenser and a compressor. The indoor units are mounted on a wall with air blowers equipped. It’s typically installed at a high place since the indoor and outdoor units are connected through tubes, and refrigerant circulates through them in various modes depending on how you use it. 

This air conditioner is considered much more efficient in terms of energy consumption. It’s pretty heavy on the pocket, but if you plan on cooling specific rooms, it’s quite a wise decision. You can also control your unit with a smart controller where you can operate it using your phone, whenever and wherever. 

 Dark-skinned service man in yellow tshirt switching on the air-conditioner

Window Air Conditioner

A window air conditioner is one of the most common cooling systems and comes in different sizes. It is also suitable for cooling a small area or a single room. If you plan on purchasing a large window air conditioning unit, you may even cool a small home. Of course, this is considering that it’s one open space or a single-story house. 

These units are labeled as champions of cooling smaller spaces. It’s a single unit, and it has all of the components enclosed inside. The heat ejects out on its outdoor side and naturally blows cool air into the room in the wall. It’s installed by making a hole in the wall or simply installing it on a window. These air conditioners have a filter that slides out to be regularly cleaned for sound air conditioner efficiency.  

Portable Air Conditioner

These are similar to window air conditioners because all their components are placed in a single unit. The difference is that a portable air conditioner is a free-standing unit, and you can quickly move it wherever you like. 

All the unit requires is a window so the hot air can be removed using a funnel and a power outlet to power it up. 

Floor Mounted Air Conditioner

Do you prefer a mini-split air conditioner but don’t have the required area for a wall-mounted unit? Then a floor-mounted air conditioner might be just right for you! It’s because the indoor unit for these units rests on the floor, while the outer unit can be easily installed without any need for significant ductwork. 

This air conditioning unit is perfect for places with tilted walls, e.g., in attics of places with fragile materials. 

Final Thoughts

When evaluating what air conditioning unit to purchase, always consider the following factors: your budget, cooling power, energy consumption, how much space it requires, and how you plan on maintaining it. Next, consider the types mentioned above of air conditioning units and decide what would work the best for your home. 

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