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6 Tips to Promote Your Kid’s Interest in Art

6 Tips to Promote Your Kid’s Interest in Art

Kids these days are so much into TV and video games, that they don’t realize the importance of arts and crafts in their lives. While too much video games can ruin their childhood,  whereas arts can help foster their imagination and creativity instead.

Art not only allows your kid to explore new ideas but it’s essential for their overall growth and learning. If your kid prefers being busy playing video games over creative work, then it’s time for you to take control. 

As parents, it’s your responsibility to introduce culture, history, travel, and arts to your kids. Taking them to art museums can be expensive. So, if you’re on a tight budget, you should look out for new ways to pique your kids’ interest in art and crafts. 

We’re sharing five cost-efficient and age-appropriate tips to help you out. Let’s get started. 

1. Free Art Exhibitions

Free art galleries are the best ways to introduce your child to the world of creativity. Local artists exhibit their masterpieces in these galleries and often they are based on special themes.

So, pick a free afternoon or weekends to pop into a gallery with your child and roam around to see what’s new. Ask them thought-provoking questions while you pass by each piece. When you share your knowledge, make sure they participate too. 

Allow them to express what they think about artwork and what they like about it most. Some exhibitions are specifically held for little kids and these are the ones you should be looking for. 

Make sure not to pressurize them. Whenever they feel overwhelmed or bored stop right there and set aside your plan for some other day. 

2. Street Arts

These are the best, readily available art pieces your kid can fall in love with. Since it’s a part of the outdoor environment, they can take a walk on the sideways and enjoy the masterpieces while passing by it. 

 6 Tips to Promote Your Kid’s Interest in Art

Some cities heavily promote street art exhibitions while some don’t. So, you need to be updated about the locations where art pieces are showcased in your area. 

Take help from the internet and do some research beforehand. Thus, when you go there to explore street arts you’ll be fully prepared to tackle your kid’s curious mind.  

3. Art Competitions or Programs for Kids 

Many art institutions arrange art competitions for kids. Moreover, some museums have separate art programs solely for children. 

Since art galleries or museums understand the importance of exposing kids to art, they have made it more accessible for children these days. You should take the full advantage of it by taking your kids to such programs. 

Support your child’s creativity by encouraging them to take part in monthly art competitions. Make them realize even if they don’t win the prize it’s still worth participating. Because, no matter what, they get a chance to share and explore the ventures of the art world. This is no less than an achievement. 

4. Invest in Painting Kits and Creative Toys

Kids learn the most at their early ages. So, from the very beginning, if you give them creative toys and child-friendly painting kits, they’ll lean more towards art. Creative Lego sets, Playdough clay sets, washable crayons, child-friendly paint kits are some of the toys your little Picasso can start his journey with. 

Large art papers or fun painting kits for kids will help them to be more creative. Sometimes, what kids cannot express through words or actions, they can express it through their paintings. 

So, don’t hold them back or scold them when they make a mess while they do so. Inspire them to experiment, explore, and create stories through their artwork instead. 

Open-ended toys may cost you some extra money, but you won’t regret it because your child will eventually learn to appreciate artwork through the whole process. 

 6 Tips to Promote Your Kid’s Interest in Art

5. Paint and Create together

Parents’ participation is very important to pique their kids’ interest in art and crafts. Sometimes instructions are just not enough and since they’re kids before initiating anything new, they look forward to their parents more. 

So, let loose, free your mind and paint with them. Set a fixed time on the weekends when you and your kid will spend some time together and discuss famous artists and their artworks. 

Start with finger paints or hand paints. Then gradually give them difficult tasks to draw a leaf, then a tree and maybe a human figure later on. 

We appreciate kids not using erasers at the very beginning. Let them draw what they want and express what’s inside them through their paintings. Using something permanent, like- markers or acrylics can be useful in this case. 

Arrange colorful birthday parties with your kids and tell them to paint their own balloons or prepare their own hats. This will elevate their confidence down the road. 

6. Exhibit their Creations

Another way to encourage your kids to be more creative is to showcase their creativity. Even if they’ve drawn a simple tree, frame it and hang it on your walls. Appreciating their artworks gives a lot of inspiration. 

Displaying is like rewarding them. If it’s their first hand painting or finger painting, you paste it on a board and laminate it. This small gesture will not only put a smile on your kid’s face, but they’ll also realize that their artwork has a special value. 

Utilize your study room, mantle, living room to decorate with their painting. If you value their work now, they’ll learn to value the artwork of other artists later. So, expose them to good art, encourage their work, and praise them for what they have created. 

Final Thoughts

Children grow up pretty fast. As parents, you have to be ahead of time and prepare them for adulthood. So, if you want them to appreciate art when they grow up, you have to start at an early age and introduce new teaching methods. 

We gave you a few options but you’ll know what’s best for your child. So, follow the tips and figure out which option will be good for your child. Good Luck!


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