In the winter, air quality typically deteriorates. If left untreated, stagnant indoor air can cause health issues and occasionally be more contaminated than outdoor air. Because buildings are more airtight with better insulation to keep the cold out and energy costs down, indoor air quality suffers in the winter and occupants breathe more recirculated air.
Maintaining both clean and comfortable indoor air quality is crucial. This is why you need to know what to look out for and how to prepare to take the lead in defending your home from hazardous indoor contaminants. Luckily, you can take a few relatively easy steps to make sure you can breathe easily and be spared this winter’s effects of poor air quality.
Here are seven strategies to enhance the quality of the air inside your home during the winter:
1. Ensure Proper HVAC System Maintenance
Maintaining your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems properly not only ensures that it runs as effectively as possible but may also enhance the quality of the air inside your house by reducing the amount of impurities and pollutants that are circulated there.
Every few months, remember to make appointments with HVAC experts. However, it could be difficult to tell a true professional from a novice if you’ve never had to choose among HVAC contractors. To simplify the process, you can search for keywords such as heating service near me Petaluma, CA.
2. Replace Air Filters
In addition to having your HVAC system professionally maintained, you should also check the air filter. To prevent the spread of allergies and pollutants throughout the house, the air filter is made to catch dirt, dust, pollen, and other contaminants. But if the air filter is soiled or blocked, it’s simply impossible to do this.
In light of this, book appointments with HVAC experts close to you by running an internet search for expert heating service near me to narrow down your choices.
3. Ensure Regular Cleaning
By maintaining the cleanest conditions possible throughout the building, you can significantly improve indoor air quality. Mold, pollen, and dust mites are examples of airborne contaminants that can be reduced by regularly vacuuming. To enhance health and air quality, dust must be eliminated because it’s a respiratory irritant. But you can safely dust while wearing an air-filtering mask.
Keep surfaces clear of clutter and wipe them off with a moist cloth to remove all dust. Always use non-toxic cleaning supplies, but use the right storage techniques if you must use or keep solvents and harsh cleaners on hand. For more details, you can watch the video below:
4. Consider Air Purification But Avoid Air Fresheners
Air purifiers are useful for removing impurities like dust, mold, and odors as well as circulating cleaner air, which improves the air quality in your house. Although candles and air fresheners make your home smell wonderful in cramped spaces, decorative candles can contribute to the overall stew of chemical compounds within. For your cleaning supplies, opt for organically scented items.
5. Control Indoor Humidity
During the chilly winter months, the humidity level is naturally much lower, and this dry air can contribute to or exacerbate a variety of respiratory conditions and other medical conditions. Dry, itchy skin and red, itchy eyes can also result from low humidity levels, which can make your home less comfortable.
To raise the air’s moisture content and lower static electricity, get fan-powered humidifiers that can direct moisture vapor into the heating ducts. Installing a whole-house humidifier is an excellent way to tackle these problems if you experience any of them by ensuring that the humidity level in your home stays at an enjoyable level.
6. Boost The Airflow
Keeping the building shut keeps cold air outside and warm air inside, but it can also cause the air to get stagnant, preventing it from moving and trapping impurities. Increased fresh air circulation is a clear strategy to improve indoor air quality.
Poor ventilation is indicated by odors that are particularly noticeable when entering the building from the outside. So, recognize the locations where ventilation has to be given extra care.
7. Clean Your Ductwork
Remember that over time, dirt also builds up inside your ductwork, even with routine vent cleaning. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your ductwork won’t only lessen the amount of airborne irritants, but they can also increase the useful life of your HVAC system and result in some cost savings.
Although ductwork naturally gathers dust, the issue is more likely to worsen if the ducts are leaky, broken, or incorrectly sealed. It’s advisable to have a professional clean your ducts at least once every three to five years.
Follow the highlighted recommendations for managing indoor air quality in winter to have a clean and healthy environment in your home.