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Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning Your Pool

Having one of the biggest assets for your home’s aesthetics, a pool, comes with its price. A pool is not something you would want to cut corners with when it comes to maintenance, there is a reason why the care for it is so elaborate. 

When you envision all the fun you could be having with your swimming pool, such as the poolside parties and the casual afternoon swims with your family, cleaning is probably not the most fun part of the planning and preparation.

However, at the end of the day when you will be rewarded with a clean and beautiful swimming pool, all your efforts will be worth it.

Why Should You Clean Your Swimming Pool

While chlorine helps to keep the water of your swimming pool clean, it would not be able to break down and get rid of the solid debris in the pool. A pool is normally placed outside, in the backyard of your home. It is normal for leaves and bugs to get into the water.

If you entirely rely on chemicals, you will end up with a pool filled with trash floating in it.

Moreover, if you do not clean your pool regularly, the drain might get clogged and will hamper with the circulation system of your pool.

Furthermore, you will notice algae forming in your pool which is a clear sign of how dirty your pool is getting. Additionally, when you neglect cleaning your pool, your maintenance and repair cost will increase as your pool’s condition deteriorates.

Having a pool is fun and adds to the overall beauty of your home but if you neglect taking care of your pool, it will have adverse and costly effects.

 Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning Your Pool

How to Clean Your Pool

If you clean your pool regularly, you might be confused as to why there is still algae growing in it or why it looks dirty.

Cleaning a pool is a complex process but once you understand the ins and outs of it, cleaning will be a breeze. In case you think that the manual processes are way too much for you, you could opt for Robotic Pool Cleaners.

1. Clean the Debris

As previously mentioned, the only way to clean the leaves and critters that end up in your pool is manual.

You can always use a net to skim the water and grab the debris though it may take a lot of time. Hiring someone is also an option even though it will cost you a few more bucks.

Using Robotic Pool Cleaners is an efficient and easy way to clean your pool. These gadgets can help vacuum the debris and even scrub the floor of your pool while you sit back and relax.

2. Turn your Pool Filter On

Pool filters and pumps are crucial in keeping the water of your pool as clean as possible. The pump forces the water to go through the filters and after catching the dirt, the water is then returned to the pool.

The time needed to keep your swimming pool pumps and filters on depends on the frequency of use. Keeping it on 24 hours each day will give you optimum results but you can’t hate someone who tries to save a buck or two.

However, a good rule of thumb is to keep it on for at least 8 hours every day.

3. Understand Pool Chemistry

Cleaning and scrubbing the waters is not really enough to combat the germs of stagnant water. That is why chlorine is an important addition to your maintenance routine. It essentially helps kill the germs in the pool so that you have a safer experience.

Additionally, your pool’s pH level is also crucial to the sanitation of the water. It should be around 7.4 to 7.6. The pH shows how acidic the water is or how much alkaline it has. The pH should be balanced, if it is too acidic, it can cause your metal pool gadgets to corrode quickly. It can also cause your skin to become irritated if you are exposed to acidic water.

Furthermore, if the water has too much alkaline, it can cause scaling for your pool equipment.

You can adjust the pH with simple and easily available chemicals or ingredients. For example, baking soda can increase the pH of your pool.

 Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning Your Pool

How Often Should You Clean It?

You should not start your maintenance routine once your pool becomes dirty with cloudy water and leaves in it.

If you wait for the water to get nasty before starting to clean it, you could potentially damage the machinery in your pool. Moreover, it takes more effort to clean it when it gets really dirty rather than cleaning it regularly.

To begin with, you should regularly test the pH levels of your pool at least once every week. The reason behind this is for you to know where the pH levels are before they can cause any damage to the pool or swimmers.

Skim the pool of dirt as often as possible with a Telescopic Pole attached with a net. Also, run the pool vacuum at least once every week to get rid of the dirt.

Moreover, shock your pool every time after it has been used heavily. Shocking, in short, is when you clean your pool with a high dosage of chlorine. For example, you should shock it after a pool party or if you have had pets in the pool.

It should also be treated after long sunny days or a storm. If you notice that your eyes are stinging and there is a prominent chlorine smell coming from your pool, it is a sign that your pool needs treatment.

Final Thoughts

Even though a swimming pool adds a lot to the aesthetic beauty of your home, neglecting it can give you a smelly, unhygienic, and dirty pool in return. However, pool maintenance has become a lot easier with the help of gadgets and machinery.

If you face any problems, do not hesitate to call in a professional to show you the ropes. The key to maintenance is to do your research on how to take care of it properly, and just not leave the cleaning until the very last minute.

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