Sebastian Errazuriz has become internationally renowned for his creatively irreverent works of art and design. In an attempt to help less fortunate artists during the pandemic, Sebastian has recreated Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell soup can as a new “Starving Artist” soup can. Each soup can is sold for $1,000 and the proceeds will go to fund the development of a free augmented reality platform to help creatives around the world to exhibit and sell their work.
As people around the world face the realities of self-isolation due to Coronavirus pandemic, every museum, fair, gallery, and art studio in the world is closed. Artists consequently can no longer show or sell their artworks. Most won’t survive the financial crisis. Big-name galleries are trying to cope by opening online viewing rooms. Nevertheless, there is no similar tool that is currently available for independent creatives to show and sell their work.
Sebastian Errazuriz and his team are developing augmented reality tools for all artists and designers to exhibit and sell during the pandemic. The sales of the Starving Artist soup cans go to pay the team developing the platform. A first stage will be launched this week and new stages will roll out as it is developed and improved.
The $1000 limited edition sculpture of Starving Artist Soup Can is signed, numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity. Shipping is included.
A $250 dollar screen printed poster is also available. The print is of the exact same dimensions as Warhol’s original Soup Can print displayed at the MoMA.
100% of the proceed will go into the development of the digital platform to ensure creative can benefit from it as soon as possible. The artworks can be acquired on this link:
Errazuriz calls for collectors to support his initiative: “Collectors, please stock up on cans this Pandemic! If all goes bad you can eat this artwork. But If all goes well; you just bought a historic piece and helped build a tool to democratize the art market”.