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Artists Create Augmented Reality Tools To Sell Art During Coronavirus Pandemic

Artists Create Augmented Reality Tools To Sell Art During Coronavirus Pandemic

As a result of COVID-19, every museum, gallery, art fair and design store in the world has closed. Some may never reopen. Artists and designers are no longer able to physically exhibit and sell their work. Many have also lost their side jobs and now the cliche of “The Starving Artist” seems more threatening than ever.

Artists Sebastian Errazuriz, Zander Eckblad and their team of engineers have been working day and night throughout the quarantine to create “ALL World”, a self-publishing platform for artists to exhibit and sell their work through augmented reality (AR). The digital platform allows artists and designers to upload works, create AR exhibitions and send a link to their clients to visualize art within their own homes. Collectors simply open a link and see life-size creations in AR. The advantage of seeing art works in the context of their desired destination could help drive much-needed sales. Artists who might never have had the chance to be seen are now getting to exhibit directly into people’s personal spaces, while art enthusiasts are now discovering entirely new artists.



This idea, driven by Sebastian Errazuriz, an internationally acclaimed artist and designer, who has been extremely vocal regarding the fundamental flaws in existing dynamics of the physical art world.  “There are extreme inefficiencies plaguing the art industry that AR can alleviate.” says Errazuriz who has a track record of using cutting edge technologies to exhibit and sell works. “The Pandemic will usher the next wave of creative expression,” he says.  He is convinced these digital tools could be crucial to help the creative community. “Collectors are hurting financially but will always be open to art investment opportunities, especially if these could help the very artists that inspire them.”

ALL’s digital tools are designed to support creators when it is not possible to physically go see art. These tools have the possibility to go beyond their current scope and have the potential to become a new parallel way of exhibiting and selling art in the future. Errazuriz and Eckblad have been pushing the boundaries of art, design and tech for the past three years and view AR as the definitive next destination for the artworld. They believe that Augmented Reality will reinvent the rules of the art world. A future democratic space where anyone can create anything they imagine, and exhibit anywhere they wish. A world where art is not only accessible by the elites, but where millions of people can own AR works and where the eco footprint and waste is reduced.

Zander Eckblad explains that buying physical works through an AR experience today is only the very beginning. “The future is here. With the arrival of 5G, 3D scanning technology and augmented reality glasses; art as we know it will change forever. We are looking at the beginning of a new artworld.”

For more info on these digital augmented reality tools go to allworld.io

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