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Chained, Street Art Exhibition in Milan


Until July 31, 2015, Wunderkammern presents Chained, an international contemporary art event that brings together nine of the most important artists on the Urban Art scene today: 2501, Atomo, Borondo, BR1, C215, Max Rippon, Sam3, Sten Lex and Edoardo Tresoldi. The event includes a group exhibition in two separate venues in Milan – an hangar of the Municipality of Milan on Via Amari and the Instituto Cervantes on Via Dante – and the creation of urban art installations in public spaces.

The theme for Expo15 is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. Starting with the idea of the food chain, an organic ecological system, the artists of Chained investigate the complex dynamics that connect human beings to the nature of which they are a part; a chain of human and artistic experiences that serve to amplify the spectrum of viewpoints on the Expo’s theme, through the lens of art and creativity.


For the artistic project Chained, Wunderkammern has invited a group of artists who, in turn, have invited other artists to participate in the creative process. An analogy of the food chain that forces us to reflect on the role that mankind plays in our planet. Oftentimes, in fact, progress and technological advancement lead us to see the world from an anthropocentric perspective. One in which it appears as though nature exists solely for the purpose of satisfying our needs and where animals and plants are possessions that serve a humanity which is allowed to exploit them in the name of progress. Yet mankind has forgotten that this progress is founded on a balance between all parts, and that human beings are only one of many elements in a chain dependent on the entire system.


The project explores, furthermore, another fundamental concept of nature: evolution and its randomness. Just as Nature mutates unpredictably over time, the artistic process that guides Chained is spontaneous, natural, and unconstrained by predetermined frameworks. The artists’ works grow side by side in a non-hierarchical way, following a free and unstructured approach. This is the very creativity of nature.


All of these elements work together to support an innovative, pressing dialogue between different artistic expressions and socio-cultural contexts, in the larger context of the city of Milan and Expo15.

The nine artists will present new works created exclusively for the project. The pieces exhibited in the main location on Via Amari 18 will be created with various techniques and materials, and will include sculptures and installations as well. At the Instituto Cervantes in the historical center, the works of the two Spanish artists Borondo and Sam3 will be on display, including a work by Borondo created explicitly for the Institute’s façade and visible from Via Dante.


all images courtesy of Wunderkammern

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