After winning over cooking enthusiasts with its refined, local and authentic products, Quebec company Maison Milan is continuing its drive to market tools for culinary spaces internationally, with products created by some of the world’s best designers.
Emblematic of the company’s impressive growth is a new knife from Maison Milan—a tool that elevates what a knife can be. With its sturdy cast-iron handle, the knife stands on its own, upright. The authentic solid walnut blade is easy to wield, for children as well as adults, as it slices through lettuce and other vegetables with ease.
This reinvention of the knife comes courtesy of designer Chifen Cheng, working in collaboration with Maison Milan. The butt of the handle grinds salt, pepper, spices, and nuts effortlessly, like a pestle. The wide wooden blade is also just right for scooping ingredients into a pan. This is the knife reinvented in solid walnut.
The essence of Maison Milan is a quest for timelessness. The company seeks the reinvention of everyday things, by working with impassioned designers from around the world, treating every aspect of design with the utmost respect, and using the finest and most noble materials. Maison Milan’s bold actions inspire, move, and provoke. One creation at a time, Maison Milan strives to bring pleasure to daily life.
Maison Milan and Chifen Cheng won an award for their reinvented knife, in the category “Objects and accessories, kitchen products,” at the 11th annual Grands Prix du Design in February 2018. Maison Milan will show its reinveted knike during this year’s Milan Design Week at The Design Experience organized by Archiproducts from April 17 to 22.
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