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Loud Mini Bicycle Horn

Loud Bicycle

The Loud Mini is a compact bicycle horn designed to sound exactly like a car horn to keep cyclists safe. One of the big reasons people give for not commuting by bicycle is the fear that drivers won’t notice them on the road. While various devices are available to make bikes and riders more visible, the designers behind the Loud Mini Bicycle Horn have concentrated their efforts to be sure that cyclists can be heard.


The Loud Mini mounts on the top tube, down tube, stem or handlebar, with the same kind of quick-release bracket used by GoPro action cameras, and is activated via a hard-wired bar-mounted thumb button. The rechargeable battery should last four months, and the whole unit is rainproof.

Instead of lighting your bike up like a spaceship, then, you might consider using sound instead. The Loud Mini is available on Kickstarter for $150 USD.



all images and video courtesy of Loud Bicycle


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