Nappe is a permanent art installation built by Portuguese architects FAHR 021.3 next to the National Exhibition Center at Nangang a new city area in Taipei. Considering Taiwan’s cultural values and geographical condition, Nappe is a piece related to the Jade Mountain, the highest peak of the island and a symbol of purity, honesty and national values, Taiwan’s topographic characteristics, an open-air pavilion that attracts citizens into a new city experience and feeling.
In geology, Nappe is a large sheet of rock, that due to the tectonic movements as been moved from its original position over another rock mass, creating an accidental breach into the Earth’s geological structure.
The artwork takes form as the digital manipulation of an orthogonal grid or an accident, emerging from the ground and creating a scenic wireframe structure that releases the sidewalk for people’s daily movements.
The resulting space has multiple possibilities of use, from presentations to performances, concerts, etc. The color and lightness of the structure draws a dynamic and morphological image that invites people to approach and develop a closer relationship with this piece.
At night Nappe reacts to its surroundings, like people approximation and weather conditions, generating different light patterns through a game of intensity/vibration.