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nendo designs an emergency preparedness kit

Kenichi Sonehara

Renowned Japanese studio nendo introduces an emergency preparedness kit designed for Sugita Ace: the ‘MINIM+AID’. Throughout history, Japan has faced numerous natural disasters. Each time, its people have stood strong and gone on to rebuild their communities. On 11 March 2011 the Great East Japan earthquake struck the country and has once again reminded us of the importance of disaster and emergency preparedness. Rather than the conventional emergency preparedness kits that all tend to resemble one another, people are now seeking a more versatile solution that is appropriate for a variety of situations.


This called for the development of an emergency preparedness kit that includes the bare minimum necessary for a city-dweller to make it to a place of refuge during an earthquake or other disaster. The result is a whistle to alert others of one’s presence, a radio, raincoat, lantern, drinking water and a plastic case, all packaged inside of a 5cm wide tube that is waterproof and floats. The radio is equipped with manual charging functionality, which can also be used to charge your smartphone, lantern, or other devices via USB. The plastic case can be used to store medicine or anything else the user might deem necessary, and the tube in which the drinking water foil pouch is stored can also be used as a cup. Despite its compact design, the kit offers a rich set of features.


Slimmer and more compact than conventional emergency kits, it’s easy to carry and can also be worn over the shoulder using the included strap. The design makes it easy to keep it near the entrance and ready to go at all times – just leave it in the umbrella stand or hang it from a coat hanger. The outer tubing is available in silver, white, or black, and each tool is available in a selection of 3 different colors.

‘MINIM+AID’ was presented during Tokyo Design Week 2015, and will be available in Japan next June.

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all images © Kenichi Sonehara

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