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What Is A Senior Alert System and How Do They Work?

What Is A Senior Alert System and How Do They Work?

Many of the seniors today prefer to live on their own either in communities or in their own homes. But this for their family members can be very concerning should they need immediate assistance that wouldn’t be available in case of a medical emergency. It’s due to this that there’s been an incredible surge in demand for senior alert systems, which are also referred to as medical alert systems as noted by Observer. 

With the medical alert system, you’re guaranteed quick medical support even if you’re living alone, you can reach out for help at the touch of a button. These gadgets allow you to continue living independently even when suffering from a certain medical condition. As a result, you enjoy improved safety as well as peace of mind both for you and your loved ones. 

What Is A Senior Alert System?

A senior alert system is a wearable gadget usually used by the elderly or disabled to seek help in the event of an emergency. These small gadgets included in medical alert systems can be extremely useful for seniors, especially during a life-threatening experience or after a fall. This gadget features a base station and button that allow you to raise the alarm. After pushing this button, the base station receives a signal and then proceeds to call a pre-programmed number usually linked to a call center.

Other than the press button technology, some of these medical alert systems also incorporate an in-built fall detection technology. This sensor is triggered when you fall and the call center agents are notified automatically about the incidence. The situation will then be examined and if the person on your emergency contact list will be notified.  

There are medical alert systems that come integrated with extra features such as; 

  • Caregiver Tools: This feature enables remote monitoring of all your activities either via an online portal or mobile phone. The sensors integrated into this gadget collect and send data upon detecting any fall, sleep periods, activity, and button presses.    
  • Fall detection sensors: These wearable gadgets incorporate fall-detection sensors that use advanced algorithms, gyroscopes, and accelerometers to detect when you fall and contact the monitoring center automatically. 
  • Environmental monitoring: This feature allows the detection of life-threatening conditions in your home such as a fire outbreak and carbon monoxide leaks. In such situations, the monitoring center gets an automatic alert ensuring you get the needed help on time. 
  • GPS locating:  Some of the mobile and wearable gadgets come with GPS tracking features that use satellite signals to monitor your location using satellite signals.   

 What Is A Senior Alert System and How Do They Work?

How Do Medical Alert Systems Work? 

The medical alert system features a wearable device with two parts, a pendant with a button and a console. This device is then connected to a telephone jack and wall outlet via the base unit that monitors your home electronically. You can wear the help pendant or button either on your wrist, neck, or belt. 

If you choose a mobile option, a base station isn’t necessary, and instead, need a help button. And should an emergency arise, all you’ll need to do is push the pendant’s help button and an agent in a call center will be instantly notified. This live agent will then call your emergency contact numbers or emergency medical workers. You shouldn’t worry about not getting connected to a live call agent as the call centers run 24/7. 

When Should You Invest In A Medical Alert System? 

In several situations, getting a medical alert system is recommended and these include; 

  • You’re a senior yet living alone: As a senior living alone, it’s best to have a medical alert system to enable you to request help in case of any emergency. 
  • Using medication with side effects: Some medications have adverse effects on your body in general, thereby impacting how well you can go about with your routine daily activities. Such effects include losing coordination, balance, or experiencing dizziness. You’re prone to injuring yourself when experiencing such symptoms, so it’s best to have a medical alert system to notify medical professions in case of an accident.    
  • You’re constantly worried: As you get older, it’s normal to constantly be concerned about your wellbeing due to your limited physical flexibility. Knowing you’re highly likely to get injured might make you increasingly concerned from even doing simple daily tasks. To ease yourself from this anxiety, having a medical alert system is recommended. With one, you and your loved ones enjoy peace of mind knowing you’ve got 24/7 monitoring, hence a lot more confident living alone. 


Being proactive about your wellbeing is advised especially as you get older. If you didn’t know how investing in a senior alert system is the right decision, this insightful post has highlighted everything you need to know about this handy gadget. If you are still undecided about which medical alert system to choose, Gizmodo.com created a guide to help seniors choose a reputable and affordable medical alert company. Their team spent over 1,700 hours researching medical alert devices, conducting rigorous testing, and consulting with experts to determine the best medical alert systems available today so you can feel confident you’re choosing the best device for you.