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WiFi Electric Radiators: How Smart Are They?

Controlling radiator heating temperature with a smart phone

Adobe Stock

There has been a lot of coverage in the news recently about the rising cost of energy bills and what this can mean for homes and businesses alike. With many now contemplating what their budgets will look like, it is understandable that attention has now turned to the different ways in which we heat our homes and offices and how we might start to do things differently.

One option which is growing in popularity is that of electric radiators. Whilst heating types have evolved greatly over recent years, we have been guilty of having a tendency to stick with what we know.

However, electric radiators are now being chosen in favour of their traditional counterparts thanks to the terrific benefits that they offer when it comes to heating our homes and connection to our smart devices, allowing us to have full control over our heating – and our bills!

So, how smart are electric radiators, and should you invest in one?

How do electric radiators work?

It is tempting to think of an electric radiator as being something similar to the little storage heaters that we see being wheeled in and out of rooms, but this is not actually the case.

They are a form of fixed heating that is connected to an electrical network. Most commonly, the radiators are made from a material such as aluminium which is capable of acting as a thermal conductor. Each one will have its own electronic control thermostat which allows it to collect data and work to programmed times and temperatures.

Instead of being filled with hot water, they contain a thermodynamic fluid which heats up and expands when electricity is channelled through the system. This fluid gives off heat, and this is what you will then be able to feel on the surface of the radiator, warming the surrounding air. Some can be oil filled, whilst other more modern models use infrared heat to warm up objects and people to be even more energy efficient.

These types of ceramic radiators use electrical resistance to generate heat in a low consumption way and their power can range from 450W to 2000W. They convert every watt of energy into usable heat making them 100% efficient.

Once they are switched on, they heat the surrounding air, bringing the room up to temperature quickly. As much as a third of their warmth is also produced as radiant heat that is felt even after the radiator has stopped drawing power.

Electric radiators also have the massive benefit of reducing any safety concerns that you might have. As they are not run on gas, there is no risk of a carbon monoxide leak, which has the potential to have huge and dangerous consequences for your whole family.

The cost of an electric radiator will vary according to the size, style, and brand, but they can be expected to range between £145 and £845 each.

 Concept of a smart home and mobile application for managing smart devices at home

Smart ways to control costs

One of the great benefits of an electric radiator is that it has accurate temperature control. Once you have set a temperature that you are comfortable with, the radiator is capable of maintaining it, avoiding you adjusting your thermostat and paying larger bills because of it.

In fact, the unrivalled efficiency of electric radiators means that you can save significant amounts of money on your heating bills. These radiators can also connect to an app on your phone, allowing you to control them even when you are not in the house, therefore saving money by turning them off when they are not needed.

The convenience of having your heater communicate with your phone, or voice assistant could really help families who may be struggling to keep their energy costs under control, and with rising energy prices, it could make all the difference.

Electric radiators can be very stylish and come in a range of contemporary, designer, and traditional designs, which will affect the cost. They can be vertical or horizontal and even come in different colours so that there is something to suit every room.

It is important to remember that electricity itself can still be expensive, so it is important to weigh up what the prices in your area are and whether these radiators will leave you better off than traditional heating options.

Easy installation

Installing an electric radiator is relatively simple. There is no need to extend your existing pipework or to fit a boiler if you wish to install electric radiators. This means that there is minimal mess and disruption when making the switch, now that’s smart.

They can be hardwired into your home to keep them looking great and freeing up your sockets, but if you want to, you can even install them yourself if time is of the essence. Once up and running, your electric radiators will not need annual service checks in the way in which your boiler might, which can save you both time and money and the radiators do not need to be bled or balanced.

Green credentials

Electric radiators tend to be much more energy-efficient than traditional ones, and this can be maximised by the fact that their consumption can be adjusted to the actual heating needs of the space that they are in.

Each one can be independently programmed or grouped into zones, meaning that you do not need to heat an entire home every time the heating is on, and instead just concentrate on heating the areas that need it.

Whilst there are huge environmental concerns about the use of gas and the burning of fossil fuels, electricity can come from much greener sources. With much of our electricity now coming from renewable sources such as solar and wind power, we can heat our homes without worrying about the damage that it is doing to our planet.

Electric radiators offer an efficiency that traditional gas-fired heating systems simply cannot compete with. This means that not only will our homes be warmer, but we will also be greener and better off as well.

With fossil fuels set to run out entirely in the next 40 years, it is important we look at different ways in which we can move away from this, including our reliance on them for heating. Electric radiators are a fantastic solution to the problem by combing efficiency, style, and most importantly, warmth.

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